Community Profile

Community Profile


This beautiful, charming community is situated on the eastern shore of Calling Lake, known for its tranquility and recreational pleasures. The Cree name of the lake, “Kito-Sakahekan” is most famous for the sounds of ice cracking that echo for a long distance. With a population of 415, the area is rich with culture mixed with close-knit neighborly charm. In summer, the population swells as a number of lakeside cottagers enjoy their getaway destination.


Predominant Language: English and Cree

Nearest Town/City: Athabasca

Services: Calling Lake Municipal District of Opportunity Office, Calling Lake Recreation Centre, Jaybird Memorial Arena, Moosehorn Market, RaceTrak Gas, Calling Lake Visitor Information Centre, Calling Lake School, Jo-Kat Lodge/Camp/Hotel, and Kito Sakaheken Seniors Society.

Recreation: Fishing, hunting, swimming, baseball diamonds, volleyball, basketball, tennis, hockey, camping, kayaking, quadding, horseback riding, cross-country skiing, snowmobiling, Calling Lake Sailing Club, Calling Lake Cottage Association, Calling Lake Trails Association and Calling Lake Arts Academy.

Attractions: Calling Lake, Calling Lake Provincial Park, Tanasiuk Rock Island Campground, Otter-Orloff Lakes Wildland Park, Winter Carnival, Old Log Church, skateboard and bike park, tennis courts, playground, cultural grounds, Anchor Jeremy Nipshank Memorial Park and public beach.

Banking: The following banks are available in Athabasca:

Alberta Treasury Branch, Scotia Bank, CIBC and the Servus Credit Union.

Media: Athabasca Advocate newspaper, Boom 94. 1 FM, 89.9 FM CFWE