Students and Parents

Technology Tools for Families

Technology Tools

Parents & Guardians

Please have your child use their NSD Chromebook and open Google Classroom to see required assignments and activities. Google Classroom will work best if your child uses their NSD Chromebook. Using the NSD Chromebook also makes it easy for your child to access other sites and apps that are used at school. Click here to view the Chromebook User Guide!

Your child will log into a Chromebook using an NSD login and password. Student logins generally follow the format of

If your child does not remember their NSD login and password, please contact their school or teacher for support.

Google Classroom Help for Parents & Guardians

Directions for signing in from home, how to submit assignments, and other helpful resources have been added to the Google Classroom for Parents page. Please review these resources for more information regarding Google Classroom and Google Meet video calls.

Chromebook Troubleshooting Tips

  • Shut down the Chromebook at the end of each day and any time that you run into problems that can't be easily resolved. The power icon can be found by clicking on the time at the bottom right of the screen when signed in. When signed out, "Shut down" appears at the bottom left.

  • Close tabs that are not needed, especially when using Zoom. Having multiple tabs open slows down the Chromebook.

  • Don't use the background blur feature on Zoom unless you have a fast and reliable wifi connection.

  • If your home wifi is slow, work in the same room as the router and avoid streaming video or music unless it is needed to complete assignments.

Text-to-Speech and Speak-to-Type

Chromebooks have built-in accessibility features that allow students to select text to have it read aloud to them. Students can also enable a setting that will allow them to speak and have the Chromebook type for them. Take a look at this document for directions and links to videos showing how these features work.

Click here for a helpful Guide to Helping You Make Tech Work for Your Family.